On this page, we will list the best of all of the products we offer as a Special Deal. Time Recorders and Products that were traded in for upgraded systems. Some of these quality Time Recorders are NEW (Open Box) or REFURBISHED. All come with one year guarantee.

Refurbished quality time recorders that come with a one year guarantee.

All recorders will be programmed to your specs.

We try to use our best picture of the Time Recorders your buying so CLICK ON PICTURE to see it first.

American Time Recorders Since 1967.

Acroprint ETC-Time Stamp refurbished
Regular price: $995.00
Sale price: $415.00
Lathem 4001 Automatic Print refurbished-All Steel Wheels
Regular price: $435.00
Sale price: $345.00
Acroprint 125-AR3-Refurbished One Year Guarantee
Regular price: $385.00
Sale price: $185.00
Acroprint ES700 Time Clock/Time Stamp Refurbished
Regular price: $345.00
Sale price: $105.00
LT5000 Time, Date, Numbering Document Stamp Refurbished
Regular price: $440.00
Sale price: $350.00
Amano MJR 7000 -200 Time Cards Included***SOLD***
Lathem  7500e Totalizing Widmer T-3 Time Stamp...Refurbished w/one year guarantee
Comp MP 550 refurbished w/ one year guarantee
Regular price: $395.00
Sale price: $150.00
Lathem 1600E Tru-Align Atomic Time Clock/Time Stamp-LIKE NEW
Regular price: $395.00
Sale price: $325.00
Lathem 1600e Time Clock/Time Stamp Refurbished
Regular price: $395.00
Sale price: $295.00
Lathem 7500e Atomic Clock ---refurbished-one year guarantee
Regular price: $599.00
Sale price: $525.00
Lathem 7500e Atomic Clock ---refurbished
Regular price: $599.00
Sale price: $485.00
Lathem 7500e refurbished w one year guarantee.
Amano CP 3000 refurbished one year guarantee
Regular price: $1,100.00
Sale price: $495.00
Acroprint ETC Time Stamp refurbished
Regular price: $995.00
Sale price: $525.00
Regular price: $495.00
Sale price: $325.00

CALL (856)-691-7976

EMAIL: americantime22@gmail.com